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This album includes the following mantra:

  • ॐ गं गणपतये नमः
    om gaṃ gaṇapatye namaḥ
    "Reverence to Gaṇeśa, Remover of Obstacles"
  • ॐ नमः शिवाय
    om namaḥ śivāya
    "Reverence to Śiva, Consciousness and Transformation"
  • ॐ त्र्यम्बकं यजामहे सुगन्धिं पुष्टिवर्धनम् ।
    उर्वारुकमिव बन्धनान्मृत्योर्मुक्षीय माऽमृतात् ॥
    oṃ tryambakaṃ yajāmahe sugandhiṃ puṣhṭivardhanam
    urvārukamiva bandhanān mṛtyor mukṣhīya mā’mṛtāt
    "Gratitude to the One who is all three worlds, Who fragrantly thrives and nourishes, Like a cucumber falls from the vine, Liberate us from death by immortality"
  • पूर्णमदः पूर्णमिदम् पूर्णात् पूर्णमुदच्यते ।
    पूर्णस्य पूर्णमादाय पूर्णमेवावशिष्यते ॥
    pūrṇamidaḥ pūrṇamidam pūrṇat pūrṇa mudachyate
    pūrṇasya pūrṇa mādāya pūrṇame vāvaśhiṣhyate
    "This is full, that is full, all of this fullness comes from that fullness
    no matter how much fullness comes from that, that fullness is always full"
  • सह नाववतु ।
    सह नौ भुनक्तु ।
    सह वीर्यं करवावहै ।
    तेजस्वि नावधीतमस्तु मा विद्विषावहै ।
    saha nāvavatu
    saha nau bhunaktu
    saha vīryāṃ karavāvahai
    tejasvi nāva dhītamastu mā vidviṣā vahai
    "May we protect each other, May we nourish each other, May we work together with great energy, May we gain the wisdom to not resent each other"
  • लोकाः समस्ताः सुखिनोभवंतु
    lokāḥ samastāḥ sukhino bhavantu
    "May all worlds be happy and free"
  • The Samādhipāda from the Yogasūtra

This album is set to 65 bpm (4-8 breaths per minute) to assist with ujjāyī breathing.

Yama (Ganesha) 10:35

Niyama (Ganapataye) 9:51

Asana 4:26

Pranayama (Om Namah Shivaya) 5:40

Pratyahara (Tryambakam) 6:39

Dharana (Purnamadah) 6:17

Dhyana (Saha Na Vavatu) 4:11

Samadhi (Lokah Samasthah Sukhino Bhavantu) 21:06

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